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Large Print

Large-print materials have a type size that is easier to read for individuals with low vision.  Typically, materials for adult readers are in a 10-12 pt. type font.  Large print materials are generally considered to be materials that are 16 -18 pt. type and higher.  Also, some font types are considered easier to read. Examples include Arial, Verdana, and Calibri.  Large print can be in hard copy or electronic form.  

In Kentucky, large print textbooks and other materials can be obtained from the American Printing House for the Blind through the Kentucky Instructional Materials Resource Center:


Large Print can also be achieved

electronically through activating

the settings of various computers

and other devices.  Also, various apps

software, and extensions can

deliver large print. 



Large Print.png
Enlarger Software.PNG offers examples of assistive technology tools in specific use categories.  The tools shown are typically used by students in local schools. 

These tools do not make up an all inclusive listing.  

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