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Handheld voice-output reading

device for printed documents

C Pen.jpg


Hardware + Software Device

The C-PEN ReaderPen 

This is a portable, pocket-sized reading pen that reads text out loud with a human-like digital voice.
A ReaderPen is designed to promote independent learning.


It reads text out aloud and has available dictionaries.


A reading pen is an ideal assistive technology for a student that just needs help with a few difficult words.  This will allow the student to independently read at a higher level without the need to ask for help with words.

C Pen video.PNG


Mobile Application for iPad or Cell Phone

Seeing AI

Seeing AI.PNG
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There are several mobile applications that allow the student to use their cell phone or iPad to snap a picture of text, either a page, poster, label, etc., and hear the words read aloud.  These applications are frequently used by people with visual impairments.  A more complete listing can be found using the Mobile Apps Magic Mirror

(click the mirror to learn).



Mirror.png offers examples of assistive technology tools in specific use categories.  The tools shown are typically used by students in local schools. 

These tools do not make up an all inclusive listing.  

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