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The Sensory Room Archetype

The "Sensory Room Archetype" is a prototype design.  It was built to be cost and space effective while meeting the sensory needs of a diverse population. It is located in a Western Kentucky High School MSD Classroom.  It has proven to be highly effective and a reasonable addition for many schools with limited facilities and budgets.

Total cost approximately $2,000.00. Total square footage 42.

The Floor Plan

Floor Plan.PNG

6 ft. Bubble



Decorative plywood shapes covered in texture materials

The Original Ordering Information

Archetype Order.PNG
LED LIght.jpg
Soft Squeeze Seat_edited.png

Upgrades to the Original Order Information

Currently, Bubble Tubes are replaced with Light Tubes to reduce maintenance and increase durability. $650.00 @  



The squeeze canoe , due to the high frequency of deflation, has been replaced with either a soft sqeeze seat or the Steam Roller depending on student needs and school preference.

Steam Roller_edited.png

For increased durability and functionality, the fiber optic light strands are threaded through a black storage crate (Sterilite Brand from Lowes or WalMart) hanging high on the wall near the ceiling

(I use washers and Tapcons to secure to concrete walls).  The crate  keeps the strands from tangling and provides a waterfall effect.  To give the fibers added visual appeal, the strands are given a "haircut".  By layering the strands from top to bottom, more light is released and the feature becomes much more dramatic.

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These are the fiber optic strands pulled through a crate and ready for a haircut.

The Right Wall of the Sensory Room Archetype. 


It includes

  • A Six Foot Bubble Tube

  • Mermaid Sequin Color Changing Fabric Stretched over quilting and plywood

  • Artificial Grass (Grass Texture)

  • Traction Roll (Sand Texture)

  • Glow in the dark stars and moon

The Left Wall of the Sensory Room Archetype. 


It includes

  • A Padded Sensory Mirror

  • A Crash Mat

  • Fiber Optic Lighting

  • Stepping Stones and Squeeze Canoe are on the floor

Sensory Corner.jpg


Limited Space? 

Try Creating a Sensory Space 

in the Classroom

Break Box.jpg


No Space? 

Try a Sensory Box


The OARRRS program
for implementing Sensory awareness in the Schools

OARRRS is a framework to address sensory and academic learning while maintaining a least restrictive environment.  The recent rise in undesirable behaviors coincides with a decrease in academic performance.  This presentation proposes to reverse this trend by addressing behavioral needs and academic strategies at the same time.  Participants in an OARRRS training learn methods for satiating student sensory needs by engaging in multi-sensory academic strategies.  At the end of the session, participants will be provided a code to unlock, a site with resources for classifying student sensory  needs.  This site also provides over 200 classroom strategies that are critical for sensory dysregulated students, but designed to benefit all.  This program is free from the West Kentucky Educational Cooperative. Contract David Daniel at .

Behavior Obs.PNG

Sensory Processing Disorder

Behavior Observation

Use this document to capture the relevant sensory data that will help devise a sensory diet.

SPD DIscrimination Checklist.PNG

Sensory Discrimination Checklist

This checklist will give the examiner insight into whether the student is over-sensitive or under-sensitive.

Sensory Diet Analysis.PNG

Sensory Diet Analysis

Use this document to pull all of your information together to guide decisions for creating a sensory diet

Diet Summation.PNG

Sensory Diet Summation

Use this document to describe the student's sensory diet in easy terms and targets so all participants can easily follow the diet with fidelity.

Strategies by Sense.PNG offers examples of assistive technology tools in specific use categories.  The tools shown are typically used by students in local schools. 

These tools do not make up an all inclusive listing.  

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